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Blog Fever!

I'm really getting into blogging for some reason! It is just really bothering me that I can't add pictures for now:( Well, it is almost 6 am here right now! I have to start getting ready for school, and leave a little earlier so that I meet with my teacher aboout the presentation I am giving next week :) Today is TGIW! (Thank God It's Wednesday!) Last day of school this week! Mama doesn't work. And last night was daddies last night of working, and now he has two days off. So, as soon as I come home from school today, I must force them to call my aunt and uncle in Europe to talk about the move there and get started on that! Because this is one story I will NOT let die down! The saying is pretty much true. If you really want anything done in life, you gotta do it yourself!! In psych class, we are working on these presentations! I'm so exited for themm!! Then, in Journalism, I have to write a feature story on my first trip back to Europe, and I think if I really work hard on it, it could be published in the next school newspaper! Brit Lit was a lot of fun yesterday because we really didn't do anything besides talk! It was the best class of the day, and my next four classes were good, as usual :) But today will either be a working day, or just a nothing day! We'll just have to see!! Then, this weekend is a cleaning, packing, driiving, eating, catching up on homework and assignments weekend! Oh, and can't forget a German weekend! I'm so exited for today to end!! Which is kind of bad, because that just means that it might drag on :/ Sad! Bur, now I must go call my friend and get ready hopefully before the time that I have to leave so I can at least get a little bit of something to show my teacher this morning! Okay, well! I leave you now, and have a greatt day today!!
Loveee, xx

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