Looking for something?!



I guess I kind of woke up in an iffy mood this morning, if you can call it that! And even though not a lot of time passed since I last wrote, a LOT has happened! My aunt from Europe called! And we taalked about them coming here, and asking over there about us moving and etc! So, but next week Sunday, somehing more will definitely be happening! And I can't wait for it! As for now, I have to go ahead and get started on homework, and clean up a bit, then I'm going to have to call the place that I applied to work at, juustt to check if the manager is there and try to set up an interview!! x33 There will absolutly definitely be more to tell later! I love you all, and have a great rest of the morning!!!

GuTeN mOrGeN

My blogging fever is tending to die down a little bit :P It only lasted about..what a week, maybe more? I don't know what will happen now, will I continue doing this as an every day thing, or every few days like I've been doing for the past few months since I got back from Europe, or.. something, I don't really care at this point. I talked to my ex this morning at like 2 am, so I'm feeling kind eh today, but that's all gonna be okay soon enough, I hope anyway. This is all just a little bit overwhelming, and I think that I'll just try and take a small break from him or something, and try not to send him any more messages, at least not first, you know.. Umm.. well yeah that's it for now, I think I may just not blog for a while or something, until I feel like actually blogging about something and not just.. ranbling on about worthless things? I hope I just don't give up on it though. But yeah, I'm off to do all the loads of homework I havent done these past four days.
Ugh, I hate sundays :P



The weekend is going by wayy too fast! Right now, I'm just sitting in te living room, relaxing, watching Keeping up with the Kardashians :) It should finish up by about 4 or 5 and then I'll get up and go clean my room, after that my dad has to leave for work, and hen my mom and I are going to my aunts for my little cousin's birthday party :) I did apply for a job, and since it was the weekend, the manager wasn't there, but I will call tomorrow as soon as it opens, and I'll call on monday as well, I just really, THIS is the job that I absolutly have to get. Especially now. Which, saying the especially now, i just realized that it's te 30th today, I mean, no I didn't just realize it, I know it and I knew it, but I forget for a little while, and then it comes back to me and I'm kind of like.. oh :P But that is it for now, I don't know if I'm gonna blog again, probably nott, since there isn't really much to write about today :) So, if I don't, have a great day :)

Randomish :)

Good morning ! I slept in the living roomm last night, oh my goh it was horrible! Like, i need a lottt more space to move around and stuff, but our couch does not have that space! I went shopping last night, and got a few things, when I saaw that a store inmy mall was hiring :) So right now, I'm going to get ready and ask my mom to head over there so I ask, plus, the store that is hiring, is my absolte favorite store ever, so it would be beyond amazing if I got a chance to work there! Other than that, today is homework and cleaning day, etc. My ex, messaged me last night, and usually mmy day would be all blah then, bur I'm done with letting my day be ruind by the stupidest little things :) So more later! Have a great rest of the day!


_____is in a Relationship with ____

One day before my 3 months with my ex, I get together with this guy. He's been so sweet to me for the longest time. And he, like we were talking today through like messages, and.. he changes his relationship status to.. "Its complicated" Aandd.. like two seconds before that he was all "baby, honey, sweetie" and I was like WOW. really.? And, I'm kind like... umm you found a girlfriend already after telling me all this stuff? And he was like, I found a girlfriend if you'll be her...if you wont then no I didnt." And I was... debating when that came in mind that.. maybee for once I should do something that I've never done before... choose the one who loves me, in stead of the one that I love. I mean, not that I don't love him, I mean I like him, he's really sweet, like REALY. sweet, and I figure, you know, maybe that's someone i need...someone who will treat me right. And there was that other guy, but he just....oh, I don't know.. But I'll just take this slow and steady, and one day at a time, right?
Anyway I just wanted that as a little update for myself, just to remember thiss :P
I don't know if I'll write more again later tonightt, or not
we'll see

Four hours to go...

The sad thing is, whenever I like overly blog, like I've been doing for the past week or so, I half feel like I have no life because that's all I'm doing! I mean..i technically don't have a life considering I spend so much time at home, but either way! So, I wrote around 9 am right. Well..what did I do...I got seven questions done on my online class. The class gets me mad so fast because, there really arent a lot of questions, but the answers like.. it doesn't say they have to be thorough, but to get your point across you have to write like two paragraphs for every sentence. On the plus side, it's not due until Sunday night, and I may try to get started on it again...or maybe, I may not..haha I don't know! I took a shower, and I watched Keeping up with the Kardashians. So not really a lot done.. my mom told me to clean up her room before she got home, but I reeally honestly, something has just come over me and I'm in the mood to just have pitty for myself, lay around and eat chocolate. It's friday and I was going to call for work and stuff to see if I can find a job, bu I didn't do that either, and I partially regret it now. Like I know, I have got to stop doing this because it's not good for me and it's not good for anyone else, but I just cannot overcome it! Like I do try really hard, to just ignore the part of my brain that says LAZY. STAY IN BED ALL DAY. and work, but it's unbelieveably hard. It's like an alcoholic or a drug addict who refuses to admit they have a problem, except I just...am lazy! Which I think is a million times worse, because first, I don't think they have rehab for that! And second, I don't know. But.. My mom is going to come home in about.. an hour or so. I'll have to make coffee soon if My dad doesn't beat me to it. And I don't know if I'll be doing anything tonight or not, tomorrrow is my cousin's birthday party and yeah. Looks like Vanesa just has to wait until Monday to call for a job..who knows if I'll even do it then, but I do have to figure someting out. More later, dolls. Hopefully next time, it will be something not so depressing, sorry no picture again, I have no make up on ;) maybe if we go somewhere tonight, then there will be a picture :) Have a nice rest of the day.


OMGHHKP. In a bad way this time! So I woke up bright and early around..before 6 am! And I went to bed dark and late around..almost midnight! So, I got no slep, plus I kept waking up in the middle of the night. Anywho, that's not bad because I don't feel tired or anything. But, I decided to fix up my albums on facebook right. OMG I wish I didnt start anything, his is my third hour into doing this, and I was almos done, when i realized that I messed up two albums, so I have to reupload, and re-order the pics the way they used to be :( I'm getting really sick of doing this! haha. But, I don't think that anything can ruin my day today because It's so nice and sunny outside! Of course, it is only like 23 degrees right now! But, ugh! I know by now I'm usually super exied for the snow to come, cause I get sick of summer and hte ho weather. But not this year. I can go with summer all year long. But, hopefully I'm trying really hard to just not complain about the snow and the cold weather, because the more you don't think about it, the sooner something comes/ends! So, lets hope! I just completly gave up on facebook just now! Oh wells, there will be more and better pictures later, besides, I think later today, I'll just delete the albums and make one brand new one or something, Everyones already seen all of the pics anyway :) Yeah, but there isn't much else to do. Tomorrow will be the 30th..I'm half scared to see what will happen and how I will act tomorrow because it would have been mine and my ex's 3 months :/ eh.. Umm yeah, so I'm going to try and work on my online class right now, because I doubt that if I wait until tomorrow that I'll get it done. I've decided to give my parens a break about calling Europe, UNTIL SUNDAY. Because on Sunday, we all know that they all have Sunday off, so we'll be sure to catch them :D As for now, I will try and keep my mind focused on cleaning, and doing homework and stuff. First thing's first though, the online class, and then a shower, because I look horrid! And then... I'll have o vaccum up my room because oh my, you wouldn't believe the things that are on my floor! So, ta ta for now :) Have a great morning! And I'll blog more later

p.s no pic right now. APOLOGIES! As I said, I look horrid, and you wouldn't want to see that :) kiss,kiss :) x3



AHMIGOD. IDK what to say about today!
Well, I didn't do ANYYTHINGG with my online class! ughh :( But I did do some german! Just like, one little.. thing though because, as I was doing it, this guy I just met wanted to go on cam and I looked like crap, but he has a gf, so i was like whatever! But, what I didn't know, is that one of his friends were over... oh and then two more came. So it was like 4 of them.OMG they were amazzinggg!! haha It was great, they are hillarious! Then, the rest of the day I just kinda hung out, and my mom came home, and after a little bit, my dad and I went to get dinner. And we talked about moving :D And it sounds amazing! All that I have to do is convince my aunt and uncle and cousins to come visit BEOFREE summer, like in he spring sometime, that way I can go back with them, and yeah! Then.... i talked with my ex's friend and my ex..
(MY EX FROM LAST YEAR!) not the recent one. Lol but I did talk to him as well this morning! Anyway, its half past 11 pm here, and I'm super sleepy, so I'm going to head to bed now.. and I'll see you in about.. 8 hours or so !
Good night


Good morning Bloggers! After twelve hours of sleep, and waking up pretty early, I figure that I might as well just get started on things so that I'm not just sitting on the computer doing nothing, ya know! But I finally got my pictures to be back up!!! See, I told you guys I would make it work :D So, the love of blogging has been raised! Haha, today there isn't much to really do, my dad doesn't work, but hopefully he is in a good mood. He just went to McDonalds to get me some breakfast! Umm...the only other thing that I will do on here, is the design of my blog because I want it to be completly white! Lol, and then my header as well, I will make a new one.Oh and I will,once again, try to figre out how to change the link name, because I don't like having the same one always, at least not this one! But the next one that I pick, I'm pretty sure that I will keep the next one! And then, today, I will mainly work on my online class, the next assignment is due on the 30th, and I do need to, I think, get my grades up there. Then, if I don't spend the whole day working on that, I'll work on some Germand and then the rest of my homework over the rest of the weekend :) Oh, so the 30th would be three months for me and my ex,right. But my aunt and uncle are having he party for my little cousin that day..It'll be eek. But, we'll see how that is going to turn out. I have to convince my parents to call my aunt and uncle in Europe, at least by Sunday morning, because I don't want this whole, oh we're definitly going to move" thing to be all talk and no action. As for now, I am going to brush my teeth and get ready for breakfast, then get started with my day :) More later.




AKA Thank God It's Wednesday :) My weekend officially started :) Im really tired right now, right after school, I went to my little cousins house to give her her birthday presents, and we didn't get home until like five. It's freezing cold outside, and I was wearing this thin shirt, and I froze my butt off :P Its finally the weekend, and I promise that I will do everyhing in my power to catch up on everything! As soon as this weekend is over, I only have two months and two weeks of school left, and I'm done forever! It's so weird to think like that, because the time is going by so fast, it's really begining to be kind of scary by now!! But I really want to go to bed and get today over with..or at least try, which I will hopefully be able to fulfill, because I'm ready for it to be Thursday and hopefully call family en Europe to tell them about us moving and stuff. Plus, I got like no sleep last night, so now would be about my bed time :)) So I will write more tomorrow morning when I wake up, for sure! I just hope that I don't wake up at like five a.m! That would suck! But tomorrow, I will try and figure out the whole picture situation, and if I can't then I just have to switch blogs! Which, actually, would make me a bit upset :( haha
Other than that, have a great night!!

Blog Fever!

I'm really getting into blogging for some reason! It is just really bothering me that I can't add pictures for now:( Well, it is almost 6 am here right now! I have to start getting ready for school, and leave a little earlier so that I meet with my teacher aboout the presentation I am giving next week :) Today is TGIW! (Thank God It's Wednesday!) Last day of school this week! Mama doesn't work. And last night was daddies last night of working, and now he has two days off. So, as soon as I come home from school today, I must force them to call my aunt and uncle in Europe to talk about the move there and get started on that! Because this is one story I will NOT let die down! The saying is pretty much true. If you really want anything done in life, you gotta do it yourself!! In psych class, we are working on these presentations! I'm so exited for themm!! Then, in Journalism, I have to write a feature story on my first trip back to Europe, and I think if I really work hard on it, it could be published in the next school newspaper! Brit Lit was a lot of fun yesterday because we really didn't do anything besides talk! It was the best class of the day, and my next four classes were good, as usual :) But today will either be a working day, or just a nothing day! We'll just have to see!! Then, this weekend is a cleaning, packing, driiving, eating, catching up on homework and assignments weekend! Oh, and can't forget a German weekend! I'm so exited for today to end!! Which is kind of bad, because that just means that it might drag on :/ Sad! Bur, now I must go call my friend and get ready hopefully before the time that I have to leave so I can at least get a little bit of something to show my teacher this morning! Okay, well! I leave you now, and have a greatt day today!!
Loveee, xx


Random Blog :)

I havent done a random blog in a while, which I think are much more fun than if I justt talk about things that are like.. happening..yaknow haha. Usually I'm talking about the ex, or some boy, or my parents. But the last time I just did a simple random blog was probably... the first time I made the blog! I can't believe I kept with it for so long! Like, I made it in June, towards the middle of June. And it's.. next week it will be November! So I've kept with it now for... six months! Way to go me! I usually never do this! I have had so many blogs before but I've never really kept with them on a regular basis :) I'm doing the same thing with my german. Just not as well, but I'm trying! I'm on begginer 2, so that's better than nothing! I'm just kind of, right now, waiting for this weekend and I think I may look for a job so that I can help my parents out with paying bills and stuff, that way we can move asap! So, this time, me looking for this job isn't entirely all for my benefit, its for all of ours! Tomorrow is finally Wednesdday, I doubt we'll be doing a whole lot in our classes, but we'll be doing enough! I just ate, and I'm about to get started on homework soon. Then, I think later today my mom and I will take a visit to my aunts house. And this weekend, I think I will do some driving around and some visits, and hopefully I will be able to take some extra time to hang out wih my friend. Also. I will try to figure out, (REALLY figure out) how to add pics to my posts because ever since they...or maybe I did something I don't know. But If I don't figure it out by about... Thursday night, I'm going to be looking for a new blog! Because just really think that blogs without pictures are no fun! But I think thatt I am at fault here for this, when I completly re-did my blog, maybe i clicked on something I shouldn't have, who knows ! But, that's it for now, I hope you just liked my random blogging abut nothing in particular :) I find tthese much more fun and interesting, so hopefully more of these to come! Other than that, have a great Tuesday everyone!!




OMGHHKP!! When Was the last time I wrote, sunday morning!? OHMYGOD so much has happened since then!!! LOL Like not even kidding!! Throughout sunday, I didn't do anythiing! My grandma, my mom,and I went shopping for my aunts birthday present..Then when we got home,my cousin, I saw messaged me on msn! Oh m gosh, if only you knew how long this is really taking to write, I am so sleepy, I went to bed at midnight last night and now I'm just so tired and so out of it! Anyway, when we got home from the store, I go on msn and see my cousin messaged me about going over there for new years. And I head back to the living room and I tell my mom, when my grandma and her gang up on me. Needless to say, we did not end on good terms. But later that night, since it was my aunts birthday, I go to dinner with her, and when we're done we go back to her place, and my parents come over, and we end up talking about moving to Europe :)) And we are so serious about this right now! I wish I could go into more detail about it, but I'm really sleepy and I have enough to do, so I'm going to get started on homework, eat, and then either take a nap or just sleep all night! Two more days of school this week, very exited. Will try to update more thoroughly on these happenings as soon as something new pops up! Until then... :)



Good Morning

Well, this morning stared off really sad. I woke up bright and early at 7 am. Right as my dad came home. And my ex posted this song, that just ugh, I started crying rightt awayy. And so I just sent him a message catching up a little bit and stuff. I'm going to go and try to find something to eat right now..honestly though, nothing seems all that good haha. Well, its okay I'll try to find something. The weather is really fall/wintery right now, rainy and gray..But I just realized some trees still have plenty leaves on them :-( I'm ready for it to start snowing and everything! I have a lot to do today, clean up, get started on homework, visit grandma, It's only a 3 day school week this week which is making me really exited!This is the last school week of October! November is going to go by really fast cause we only go 3 weeks, and somewhere in those three weeks is an early out, and then we have thanksgiving break!! Then, after that, in December, I go three more weeks, And then I head off to Europee!!! And then I'm there for two weeks and two days, if I'm lucky! And then come back with two more weeks of school, take my finals, and I'm done with school forever! When that happens, I find a job, work my little butt off! Get tickets for Europe again with my best friend!! And head back on June 15 with herrr :-))) x3 x3 x3 I can't wait! The end of 2009 was beyond amazing as it stared everything! 2010 was...undescribeable considering everything amazing that happened! And 2011 will be all that and more!! I'll write more later for sure, thank goodness for blogger because I would not be in a good mood right now if it werent for this! So yay! Okay, so I'll go find food now and get to work :) As soon as I finish this, I get to relax and enjoy my last day of the weekend :D More later for sure!!


One Last Time :)

For tonight anyway! Haha, this is my last blogpost for tonight, I did soo much today it's crazy! But I still have a little more to go, and then I get to head to bed! My grandma didn't come over today :( Sadly, but tomorrow we'll be making our way over there! I just talked to the almost boyfriend, and things are a little better I think, it's just we're more comfortable with each other and stuff XD But I told him that I'm heading home for New years!So, you know! Yet another reason I have to XD I don't think I'll be waiting for my friend to get home from work, I'm super tired! And I still have so much to do tomorrow! Homework, and that project. yeah, so for tonigh, that's prety much it.. Oh, something new!I'm hanging out with the best friend next Saturday we're going shopping and imma be drivng around and stuff XD But yeah, that's it forrr nowww XD So, I'm going to get some water, clean this stuff up off of the floor, and get to bed and ready for a brand new day tomorrow! I'll be doing some driving around as well and stuff, so I can't wait for that! So I'll wrie more tomorrow when I get up and stuff ;-) Have a great night!!


I'm a little more calm than I was earlier today :-) I got a few things done, I went and got my license..haha finally :-) And I took my test for online. I only studied like one chapter and then I got so sick of it becuase the chapters are so long! It's 2:20 pm and I'm really not in the mood to do much else! If this hadn't taken up so much of my time, I would have cleaned up and made food and stuff, or at least by now I would have started cleaning! I'm just not up to it, but I know in life I wont be up to many things, but I'll still have to do it, so I'll try and force myself to do them as soon as I post this :-)
One bad thing, I'm getting a piimplee, scratch that, I meant ANOTHER pimple, and it'll be another big one cause it hurtss!! I'm so exited for next week, because like I said it's only a three day school weel :-) It'll be great! But for now that is it, I am hoping that my grandma will be able to come over tonight and that way My mom, her, and I can talk about our trip back home for New Years :-) Speaking of which, I have to mention that to my friend/new guy.. lol Things have started going downhill with him since Thursday, but I'm really hoping to fix it soon because he is amazing, and I can't just stand here and watch another amazing thing being taken out of my life while I do nothing about it. So, hopefully I will talk to him, if not tonight then tomorrow at some point, and I'll get i back to at least him not acting...IDK not good? Like It's not that big of a deal, I think, I'm just making it into a bigger deal than I should be. But like I said, I'm over just giving up when things don't come easily. I've done that for a long time and it really hasn't gotten me very far :-) So, that is it for now, I'm going to probably do some things on tumblr, and then head to cleaning up :-) I think I might end up doing anoher post tonight, we'll see :-) For now though, have a great afternoon!!


So I'm in such a good mood right now because I went to the kitchen and I looked out the window and It was..FAAALLL!!! It was rainy and all the trees were colorful what with the little ammount of leaves left on them!! Today is going to be such an amazing day I just knoww itt! Thank goodness, cause for a while I was thinking that It really wasnt going to be a good weekend! But it will!! Today I will hopefully go and get my license! And I will make my mom take me to walmart to grab some cake batter and stuff, then I'm going to make something yummy to eat :-) And I'm going to make this one european cuisine for dinner that my dad requested XD I'm going to start on homework now, and I will be cleaning up a little as well! Next week, I will only have a 3 day school week, as we have conferences! So That will be good! Since It is Halloween Weekend! And then, after that, it's NO MORE OCTOBER!!! It's Novemberr!!! Oh my gosh. I love November! It just brings everything amazingg! Last year it was the greatest time of the year! And I'm so exited for it! I only have about 2 more months of school left, and I really have to step up my game now! So I'm going to get to studying, and then cleaning up, and doing everything I just mentioned! Honestly, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be feeling like this, so better make it lastt!! :-)) Btw, I'm exited this was an actualll wall post ya know! I'll try to do this more often! Next week I definitely wil be! XD x33 Have a great Saturday!!


troubles in paradise

Heyy. Im off my phone again because im sitting in the living room (alone may I add) for some family time. Yes. Im serious. Father is eating in the kitchen and mother is just running around all over the place as usual. So why um being forced to sit here all alone I have no idea but I say its stupid. My new guy was very tired and fell asleep while online, but he got me a little worried yesterday beecause he..well I don't feel like saying why. Buf its the weekend finally and I was looking forward to it until I got home......I talked to my ex todayy..blahh! He was being all flirty..xp tomorrow is saturday and hopefully I will be in a good enough mood to make it a good day and get some stuff done. Probably not going anywhere tonight as dad is taking the car to work. But im going to go now since they are both in the living room right now. An hour and fifteen more minutes now and he's gone.
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I wont be updating you on anything, because I just find it boring. So, here is what is happening as I write XD I've made up my mind! I HAVE to make my way back home for New Years! I just plain HAVE TO. And tomorrow is Friday, my dad works, I have to have a long, deep heart to heart begging session with my mom about this :/ Sorry guys, that's pretty much it for now, I can't think anymore,I have to make this work out!! I'm going to go out in the living room for a bit, I don't think.

more later, I hope!!


not updating as much :(

I really do apologize for that considering how much has happened and changed since the last time I wrote a through update :( I think it upsets me most because I don't want to forget anything that's bden happeningg, even though that just may be impossible!! But I have an early out on wednesday!!! So im hoping i will update then!! If not, then ill just have go wait for the weekend agaain! But until then, have a great begining of the weekk :))

Llooveeeee xx
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off of my new phone!!!!

Hey guys! Im just testing out how this crazy thing works on my phone!!!! Its really cool but im not what so ever used to the keyboard on this thing! Its especially hard with long nails on!!! But I am hoping that I will get used to it sooner or latr :) haha but I will write a more official blog later tonight as I am about to get started on my homework and then five minutes later get my butt on the computer! Haha

Loveee xxx


I hate lasts!

Haha you're probably thinking what in the world does this title mean?!
Well, this week was my very LAST homecoming week EVER! And tomorrow will be my very LAST homecoming dance, and dance in general ever! And today was my very LAST homecoming assembly ever! There were bitter sweet moments!! OHHH today was such a crazy day! I couldn't go to bed without writing about it because I didn't want to forget any details! Oh my gosh, it's taking such a long time to write this, I'm so tired!!
Well, let's get something straight here! haha
'A' is going to be my ex! (FROM LAST YEAR)
'A2' is his lil bro
'A3' is his lil sister! lol
'E' is my ex's best friend who i kinda got with over summer (I KNOW DON'T SAY IT!)
'S' is going to be my most recent ex
'AL' is going to be guy number one who likes me
'B' is going to be guys number two who likes me
'M' last but not least! is going to be the guy that I have sooo fallen for !

Okay, so I'm in school today during sixth period, right and 'S' Im's me on fb! ughh It led up to "if you ever think of me just message me' from him.
God its so damn typical for guys to just walk back into your life after you've moved on and are finally happy and smiling. of course, when I got home, I broke down crying for half an hour.
But then,
'A3' Im's me! I haven't really talked to her in like a week and a half or so ! And she messages me all chipper and happy, we had a nice laugh about guys, I really did miss her :D
Then 'M' messages me! And we talked for hourssss :) he is so sweet and soo cute and,..ahh sooo different from 'S' just in so many wayss, like I'm not trying to make 'S' sound bad or anything, but him and 'M' are just soo different! They both have their amazinggg different qualities :-)
'B' then messages me, and idk, I'm not that interested in keeping a convo with him because he tends to be all, you should come over ;)' and yeah just no hhaha
'E' I message him :D Cause I missed him! And we just talked, it was good but his ex got all his attention again, damn! lol (sorry for my language)
'A' OMGHHKP!!! hahhahaha he did that whole "oops i accidentally sent you the wrong message[jk i just did that on purpose so i had a reason to talk to you]I'm so sorry!" thing haha but that lead us to being like reallyy great friends, which makes me happy! He's a great guyy :D He's like mahh mommaa lmaoo except a guy, but he's nothing like my daddy! sooo... yeahhh.. haha
I guess I didn't talk about 'A2' I just didn't feel like putting too much detail into this because I really have to get to bed now!
I will absolutly write more tomorrow, I hope I will have time since I have a million things to do!! So for now, good night, and more to come tomorrow and sunday!!

Lovee xx


Forget what you want and Remember what you deserve. x3

I KNOW! THREE POSTS?! haha anywhoo

So remember my ex? Not the recent one, but the one from last year? Well, I was just on his girlfriends profile, and woowww they are innn looveee. Omighoshhh. I guess they met around December of last year, bt oHHMIIIGOSHHHH. It's unexplainable how in love these two are. I don't think I have ever seen a love like this in my 17 years of living. honestly! I am not exagerating. And I cannot wait until I find someone like that, it just like totally hit me, what I had with my recent ex is nnootthingggg. And, even though I would love to find a love like that right now, I might as well not be in any hurry :-) But wow.. I don't even know why I'm continuing on with this blog post since I have no words for it! So I'll stop it right now, and just to mention one more thing. I feel like I'm geing back into the lovely habit of blogging, I havent blogged three times in one day since June, when I first got this!! ahh memories ;-))
lovee xx


woooahhhh what's thisss?! Two posts in one day?! What is going on with the world?! Well this morning, was my very last morning of drivers ed! It's kind of bitter sweet, but amazing at the same time ;) I'm glad I don't have to be waking up so early every morning! Tomorrow is spirit day at my school, and then Saturday is the Homecoming dance! I am suppsoed to go to my friends house around 2 or so on Saturday to do her hair for homecoming :) I'm exited! So that leaves me with quite a few things that I will have to do on Friday. But I'm really hoping that my mom will be able to hand the car off to me on Saturday so that I can do that ;) We'll see! But that is the update for now, I don't know if I will be updating tomorrow or not, I do have an early out tomorrow, so it might happen (; We'll see.
until then,
l00vee x333

she's a lady, and ladies shouldn't be messed withh ;)

heyyyyy. so I haven't written in a few days, and the past couple of times that I did write, I wrote on bad days, today I was able to pick a good day! Of course, it is 4 in the morning, And I'm extremly tired, but I'll try to make this as entertaining as possible!

So in the past week (OMGHHKP it's thursday, today around 5:30ish i'll have been single for a week! geesh did time pass by fast!) I've been on and off talking to my boyfriend, and deciding what I should do with him. I don't know if I've writen anything since I found out he got a girlfriend. yeah. But something just keeps telling me that he did it just to get to me. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but then again, maybe I'm right. But I've been so bipolar with my feelings in the past week. But I don't understan my own feelings sometimes, actually, more often than sometimes! If the douche (excuse my language) was able to find a girlfriend and move on so fast, why the hell shouldn't I. I've been asked out the dayy after we broke up, and I said no because I thought it wouldn't be polite, of course I didn't want to, but even if I did, I think I would have said no! Guess there's no such thing as polite. But I haven't talked to him at all yesterday, which made me in a pretty good mood. So last night, I decided to do some guy hunting ;) And I actually found one that I talked to a while back, but never really paid any attention to. The whole ironic thing about it is, though, is that I think he's related to my ex from last year's girlfriend of now. LOL. But he's way sweet, and so cute. Actually, we're supposedd to be talking right now, but he's not there, don't know why because he said he would be. But, he's not! I'll have to see whats up with that later when he is on ;) But, now I have to go get ready because I have to get to school early and stuff, and My hair is all greasy so I'll have to fix that! I'll write more another time, and hopefully it will be a completely different topic than boyfriends and ex's and dating, I'm sure you're getting sick of it :))
loveeee x33


Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles if I could just...see you...

Well, God did really not want me and my ex bf to be together :/ I had quite a long talk with my mom tonight...well first a fight and then a talk.. but it all came down to I have lost all respect I have ever had for my step father. and that's not even a lot of repsect lost. I'm completly done with him. I know I said no more sad posts and stuff, and that I'd figure out how to add pictures and stuff, but it's really not working out. This is going to take some time, and I think I may have to switch my bloggs to another one, because I really don't like blogs without pictures, they're just kind of boring if you ask me :P So once I get my head,...and my heart in order again, I'll try to figure that out. I mean, not much to talk about now, besides all this drama going on, and even tho some people may like it, I just... idk don't want to give out too much info and stuff. So, I may update every day, I may not. Some things coming up tho are..

Geting my nails done tomorrow with the best friend. x33
Monday-Friday is homecoming week, which will be fun, lots of pictures, and people who wont be reminding me of the ex..
Saturday is the homecoming dance :D x3

and you know.. the step father doesn't work friday-sunday so idk what imma do.. just gonna have to like ugh i don't even know, I'll have my license then, so I'll just stay out of the house as much as possible! Lol.
and that's it for as far as I know (:
I'll know more after next week, but for now, I'm heading to bed, getting some rest, and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day than I've had in the past few..

lovee,..vanesa xx3



Heyyy guys,....how ya doing?
Me? I'm... eh. heartbroken.
So many things keep running through my head, it's that whole thing that's like "YOU DID THE RIGHT THING." and then the other thing thats like "YOU'LL NEVER FIND SOMEONE LIKE HIM AGAIN." It's hard, and I wish I could just go back in time to that sunny day at his house when he told me to stay with him and let my parents leave :/... achh what can I do. It obviously wasn't meant to be,...at least not this way. And maybe I'll find someone much much better. I'm not the first girl who was forced to leave someone she loved because of her parents. And the other ones, I know two of them.. look where they are now. One is extremly beyond happy with her boyfriend, and the other is extremly beyond happy with her husband and two children. I'll end up both those ways sooner or later x3
As for now, I just have to keep my tears in, because I've been crying all day yesterday and all night last night. I only got a few hours of sleep. And yeah.
Right now, I'm going to do my homework and catch up on stuff. Then later after my dad goes to work, I'm going driving, and we're gonna stop at my aunts house. And hopefully when she asks about the boyfriend, I wont break down crying.. lol I'll just tell my mom to explain everything..ugh I don't want to face my grandma tho :P jebiga. Oh I jst thought of another girl who was forced to break up with a boyfriend she loved. My best friend's cousin. These things just happen, and people move on. But anyway, back to my plans (:
On Saturday I'm going to get my hair done, just adding some Caramel highlights in it (: and a trim, and adding some bangs. Then also on Saturday, or if not then on Sunday, I'm going shopping for new clothes. It'll be good (:
On Monday, I'll get to sleep in, then on Tuesday I get to drive with my best friend in Drivers ed :) And then I have drivers ed for just Wednesday and Thursday then, and I'm done forever! I get to get my license. And then homecoming is next Saturday, which is pretty damn great as well :) For now, I just gotta keep my head busy, and stay away from my dad and my grandma. hahaha
For now, these posts will be really boring, and long about me complaining about how i need to move on..I sincerely apologize for that.
They will get better. and Soon I hope (:

As for now, the rest of you have a great weekend, and don't let anyything bring you down

love,..Vanesa x33

P.S still trying to figure out how to add pics :P SORRY!



long story short.... problems with the family :/
everyone telling me the same things...
i guess it just wasn't meant to be.
but this was my first expierence in love...
and it was a great ride. but for now..
i guess i'll be single.. and when i go to europe next year
i'll find someone new. someone better looking, someone
not because i'm in america.
but because they love me.
and i know i'll find a guy like that.
i know.. i was pretty damn close this time..
and it's okay.. it's going to be okay.
it'll be hard. but i'll make it work. <3

as for now, i'll try to post daily and do everything as i've been doing.
i know there will be a few depressing posts. but what can you do..
im going through a broken heart here.
but at least i learned my lesson from past years..
don't let it affect you for too long.
so for tonight, you know, i'll cry it out and let it hurt.
but tomorrow i'll just force myself t okeep it in and stay strong..
I'll find someone new, someone else, and i'll live happily ever after with them.
one day...i will (:

as for now, my readers...i want you to go to bed smiling tonight. cause life really aint about being upset all the time.. it's about going out and doing what you love to do, being who you love to be, with the people you love to be with.
remember that (:

love,..Vanesa x3333


Tomorrow and A week!

You may be wondering what this means!! Simply put, One week after tomorrow, I finish drivers ed!!! OMG after two long, amazinly unforgetful months! I am done, I am free, WHOOO!!! It also means, that next week is HOMECOMING WEEK! you knoww, all those crazy days you dress up in crazy outfits and stuff, until the NIGHT finally arrives, HOMECOMING NIGHT!! So exited, It'll be my last school dance EVER. Cause I'm graduating early, and I doubt I'll be here for Prom because I will probably be back home, or somewheree in europe, enjoying my timee!! :)

Other than that, there is nohing new (: I will update you this weekend though, I'm sure some things will come up, it's a three day weekend so we will see :)

But now, I will go and do my homework because i's already 20 past 4 and I have a tonnn of it to do!!! So you enjoy your night, while i go torture myself :/ hahaha!

btw, i still haven't figured out how to have pictures with my posts on here!!
I promise I will try to figure that out this weekend (:

loveee xx


Oh that dreadful monday!

Well, I have a feeling that from now on, I will be able to get many more things done. My friend just got a job, and its my best friend. so i talk to her like 24/7 but since she got a job, we can't do that anymore! So, I may be getting more homework done and etc. There isn't really much to talk about today, just wanted to get a small update in. I just have drivers ed for two more weeks (counting this week) and then I'm done! I'm really exited to finally get that done and over with. Once that happens, I'm going to have to be looking for a job as well (: Cause I mean, what else would I do, ya know? BTW, my little attempt at having a pic with my post last time,,..of course didn't workk!! so, here is one more attempt, then I am off to get started on my homework and all that (: Have a great rest of the week if I don't get back to you by the time the weekend rolls around :) x3 nessa



Wie heißt du?!
hahaha wassupp mahh readerss?!
OHHHH so it's Saturday, and this is me blogging two days in a row!!! Woot! I'm proud! I think I'm going to try really hard to just ramble on here for tonight! Ugh, You know what suuucckksss?! I think imma get my period soon :( Sorry, TMI maybe Lol But I know I will cause I'm supposed to get it before Homecoming and homecoming is the weekend after next soo.. GRR! Today, I feel like it has been a very successful day, yet not at the same time! I woke up and talked to the boyfriend...which was going great..buttttttt it ended in a.... not a fight but i guess a missunderstanding? Blahhh klein geil!:P Hahah so sorry for the random German! But after that, I studied some German, and I havent stopped until about half an hour ago!! I'm so exited to learn a friggin third language!! Today, my grandparents came over, and so did my aunt with my little cousins. I made our breakfast!! With a little help from my mama of course :) I was a very helpful daughter today, I must say I'm quite proud of myself! Hmm... Tomorrow is Sunday! I am quite looking forward to it because I am supposed to go to the mall and interview someone... It should be a lot of fun! I have to finish all my homework then as well, and clean up! Hmm..well honestly.. there isn't much more, oh wait! Yes there is!!
So my ex, right. I mean I'm friends with him!! I am, and his little brother, andd his little sister! But a few days ago, he put something sooooooo stupid as his facebook status!! And I SWORE I am NEVER talking to him again, not one nice word! WEll, guess what! I talked to him -.- But he talked to me first, but still its like urrgghh!! #$#$%!@# Lol ehhh eff it, I can't help it! Another thing, So many guys are being sooooo sweet to me now, and calling me their love, and thier princess, etc... and that would really annoy me,...if my boyfriend ever said something like that to me :/ ughh Sometimes he really pisses me off, and I start to think that I'm not supposed to spend the rest of my life with him. But then when I start thinking that, I start to think, WTH are you thinking!? He's EXACTLY what you need!! It's so confusing, here's some advice my friends...NEVER get in a long distance relationship!! It just gives you headaches! haha Well, that's it for tonight, I will probably blog again tomorrow, just to catch you up on the last day of the weekend... and then it's off to another school week! :/ At least it's only 4 days! :) Yay!! Have a good rest of the night :)
Much Love,..Vanesa x33

P.S I'm going to try to put a picture up now! We will see if it works!!!



OMGHHKP!! It's finally October!! A full month of school and a few weeks is done and over with!! My boyfriend and I just had our two month anniversary yesterday! :) I just talked to him a little bit ago :) I'm (HOPEFULLY) getting a new phone today!! :)) Tomorrow, I get to go driving!! On Sunday I get to interview foreign exchange students for my school's newspaper! And sometime this weekend I am taking my huge take up a lot of room bed to the basement, and I'm taking up the small twin one! Yayy!! Life is great so far!!
And I made a plan for Europe when I graduate!!
Leave around the end of March! And stay with my uncle from my mom's side of the family for about a month and.. 2 weeks or so!And then, go to my unncle's from my dad's side! And visit home a few times with each of them, then when my dsds brother gets vaca, i go to bosna with them!! :)
Ahh I seriously cannot wait!
If my dad and mom don't buy me a ticket, im begging my aunt and uncle to do it! I'm so exited!!
Well, now i gotta go and get some food then go get mahh new phone!!! ::))
much lovee!! :) xx