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Random need for music!

I have to spend some part of today downloading some new songs and putting them on my ipod. It's all cloudy and rainy and blahh, so I'm in such a lazy mood! Lol But Secret Life today!! I got I think around.. 10ish or so hours of sleep! Thank goodness! Umm, I don't think much is going to go on today, so If I don't update tonight it'll probably be because not many exciting thins happened (: x3 Wow, I did not think I was in this good of a mood! Actually, I wasn't I guess I'm just this way because I turned on my music! I'm kind of debating with myself right now if I should eat, and then go to wal mart, and then shower... or if I should eat, shower, and then go to wal mart... hmmm..this is a tough tough decision! I have a lot of "dot-dot-dots" today! OH MY GOSH THE DREAM I HAD! It was about me and my parents on the plane, and at the airport, and we got on the plane, and it was going to start flying so it did all that and it was soo smooth! And the ladies that worked on the plane were super duper nice! And I didn't have any air sickness or anything even though I forgot to take the air sickness tablet thingies!! Andd, like halfway through the flight, I think i fell asleep until we landed in North Carolina! And then I think I woke up a little bit after that, I don't remember but it was amazing! The only thing that was wrong about the dream is that we were flying at night, when we are actually going to be flying in the middle of the day, and yeah! XD So I just stopped writing for like 10 minutes to read something about jet lag, because we are going to be making frequent stops, and I was just wondering if you get more jet lag while making stops or not, and obviously it's better if you have a chance to get up and walk around, so yay! Lol hmm.. anything else, anything else..nope! I don't think that there is anything else! So, I am off to eat breakfast and see what is going to happen today! Have a great Monday everyone (: xo

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