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blogging before I eat again (:

LOL Not that that's a good thing, but my mom is asleep and IDK what to eat at the moment, so I'm trying to waste time, but I'm really hungry so this will probably end up being really short, as it has been for the past like 12 days! actually less than 12 isn't it :P for the past about week or so. haha Anywho IT'S THURSDAY!! Daddies last working night, mom's was yesterday, woohoo!! I'm soo hoping that we don't have to go to the store today! My aunt and grandma and cousins are going to visit later tonight ;) I must must clean up today! Because tomorrow, is Friday, and Friday is getting pampered day! lol And then Saturday is packing day (: and yeah! But umm, yeah so I'm going to clean up my room tonight and then I'll just end up helping my mom with whatever she needs help with later (: Oh my gosh! Yesterday my mom and I went to the mall, yet again, this time we needed to find something for my aunt and my two cousins, and something for my grandma, and we finished my cousin fast, (a girl, same age as me, etc..) lol and I found the cutest most adorable dress and tanktop! they don't go together of course, but they are amazing!! I cannot wait to wear them! And I'm prayingg that this year I'll have plans for homecoming so that I can wear it again! baha. But umm.. let's see what else is there?! Pretty much nothing, I'm about to go wash my face and brush my teeth, then find something to eat and then read a bit, and start cleaning. My mom went to bed with my dad, which means she didn't get enough sleep last night, and she'll get plenty today and um yeah. But if she makes her precious little nails tomorrow and decides she'll clean tomorrow, she is crazy. God I will laugh if her nails break. I'm going to wake her up around noon though if she doesn't wake up soon. Besides it's already ten minutes to eleven! Ahh I'm so happy there are 4 more days left! But still, it seems as if there are wayy more! But that's okay because as soon as friday comes, ahh life will be great :D baha. I think I'm just mostly exited for friday! But omg I can feel my insides wasteing away because of how hungry I am, so I'm going to go now! More tomorrow :) Have a terrific Thursday!! xx

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