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Karma, Irony, Drama, and Intense Waiting!

Alright, let me try to write this blog in the order that the title went by! And then whatever comes to my mind, I have a feeling this one will be a long one! Of course, whenever I say something it always turns out the opposite..well at least that's how it used to be! Let's see how it turns out anyway!

KARMA: Remember in my last post, I talked about my aunt. Well my other aunt, my moms sister called and said how she was complaining about me "removing" her from facebook, which i did do because she was being a bitch talking about me and my parents to my other aunt. So my mom calls her and we had to go over there today. Greatt! Before, well before today it used to be so much fun being over there! Now it was just awkward and dark and ugh..I don't want to repeat that, but I'm sure that when her good ol' family is around that we'll be making a visit :/ blje I honsetly would have given the world before to go visit but right now I just don't want to.. And I hope she calls me to go watch fire works with her.. and i hope even moree my cousin comes so I can be like, oh I can my cousin is here, Im going with her "Oh well you two should come with us!" me:"oh no! We're going with some friends of mine, I'll just see you later!" Even tho I would love more than anything to spend 4th of July with that guy.. agh! Oh well though! Spending the rest of summer back home will be even better! XD

IRONY:Umm...I think that...the irony was involved somewhere with that up there, i just forgot which part I thought was Ironic :P lol

Well, still to add a little from that, she complained to my uncle about me removing her! like honestly! you're 25 years old... not 5!

My dad, okay I have to talk to him tomorrow before I like explode! umm He called the ticket places today right, and he called this guy we know, and he found some tickets, but he found really cheap, buttttt we'd have to stay 2 extra days, and he doesnt want to do that because "he doesnt have anyone who could drive us to the airport" WHAT. AN. IDIOT. We can always find someone! and if we can't, call a taxi! duh. So I'm going to have to set my alarm for like 9ish tomorrow cause he never goes to bed before 9, and I'll have to have a little chat with the guy. Then, I'm going to see what time he wants me to wake him up...and hopefully it'll be like at least around 1ish.. and I'll say why later :) Umm...so yeah!

Okay, the reason that i want him to tell me to wake him up around 1 is so that he can drive me to my aunts, a different aunt Lol because they just got a new pool! and I know that I will be spending so much time over there! And I'll actually be able to turn blackk before I go home! I'm soo exited! Lol I have all my bathing suits washed and dried! Yay! Umm...Pretty Little Liars tomorrow! I've been waiting alll week for this! They should really have this show like every day! It got picked up for 12 more episodes! WOOT WOOT! hah..umm what else..?! This weekend needs to come because I cannot wait for the 4th of July! And then hanging out with friends for two weeks! And then packing for a week! And then leaving after two days! Oh btw, have I mentioned, 28 days and (NEGATIVE) 2 hours left!! XD AAHH Im so freaking exited! Especially if we're to stay two extra days! Andd Spending my birthday there..I know I keep repeating the same stuff, but i can't help it! But, there is one thing I'm not looking forward to tomorrow...I have to go to the doctor with my grandma again..urghh! gay :/ Her doctor is so annoying, always trying to set me up with his son -_- But..that's it for now! More coming tomorrow ! much love x3 x0

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