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i-i-i-i can make yo bedrock!

whatsss upp peoples!!!!! Oh my gosh! Today was the best day in the history of my lifeee!!! Okay, i had to stop typing this for a few minutes cause my computer wasn't charging! Anyway, back to what I was getting at! I'll just tell you my hour by hour because my brain wont work at freaking out right now, I'm pretty tired so i'll be getting to bed soon! :) Alright, I woke up...wait I already wrote about my morning in the post below...well after that, the Spain vs Portugal game started! and I had to go to the hospital with my grandma to translate for her -_- urgh! So I missed the game ;/ Spain won! Idk if I'm happy or pissed about that XD Lol I must say tho... C.Ronaldo is always hot ;) haha anywho, after the hospital, we went to my aunts sat there for about half an hour and then went the pool! was only there a little bit, if i got any color it will be a miracle! I think i get more color just tanning in my little ol' back yard! Which I will be doing soooo much more now! like every day its sunny i'll spend like 2 hours out there every day it'll be enough! XD Now whyy in the world should I tan every day?! BECAUSE WE FINALLY GOT OUR TICKETS AND WE ARE LEAVING ON THE 26TH!! We have to leave bright and early that morning! which means...no sleep saturday night, plenty sunday night, get up early on Monday and drive to Chicago, our flight takes off around 2...well I hope at least my mom didn't get all of the details! But, that's it for tonight because I'm not really in the mood for writing right now, this took me like an entire hour! Lol so, more coming tomorrow loves :) xo

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