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I Wish, I Wish....

So, my mom and I come home after walmart, and I go straight to my room, not in the mood for anythingg! I go on the computer do some stuff...and I go out to the living room around..6:45ish and I remembered that 16 Wishes with Debby Ryan was premiering tonight. So I turn that on to watch it. And, around...7:30 or so, my dad's work calls and asks if he can come in tonight around 10. Tonight was supposed to be his night off. So he wakes up, goes to the bathroom, and my mom goes into the kitchen and makes him coffee...she never does that when they fight because he wont drink or eat anything she makes. But she made him coffee, and he comes out into the living room and sits for a while, it's not the best conversation, but she's like "Are you going to drink your coffee or eat first?" and he said "I have to shave before I go to work..." and my mom is like "Well you can at least drink some coffee..." So he does :-) Then he goes and shaves, and comes back into the living room and sits....and theres some small talk..and i mean REALLY small talk :-) Which made me quiitee happy! There was no yelling or anything, but I can tell my dad is trying, which is all I ask. So, his work just called again and said that they don't need him to come in...sooooo...I'm praying, hoping, wishing...you know, the usual, that they make up as soon as possible, and we figure this whole thing out and....this doesn't happen again for a while.. Please Please Pleaseee, I will do anything I swear! x3 xo

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