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hey again :)

Wow, third day in a row (: lol consider two more days in a row since it's the weekend and all! A lot has been going on lately :) I mean, I havent worked for a while, but I get to work on Sunday now..umm.. Tomorrow I'm going to hang out with my kind of, sort of boyfriend :) Yeah..woahh whhaatt?! Lol, it's a long story that i don't really want to tell :) My ex has been getting more and more interested lately though! Oh well!
I am almost done with my online class, I have one more extra credit thing to do, as well as one final test and then I am done!! woohoo! and, hopefully I will be done with that before winter break starts which is jus in a week and two days! And, over break, I am hoping that I'll be able to head over to waterloo atleast twice, once to see my friend who is coming to visit, and the other time to go for new years, anotherr concertt!! hehe I'm really sleepy now, and I was going to do more homework, I think if I really tried, I could stay up later, but Im just going to go to bed and then do the rest of it tomorrow, hopefully! hehe Ill wake up at least by 9 or so and then by the time I shower and everyhing it'll be noon or so and then I'll have about 2 hours to do my homework before I have to leave for my aunts which is where the bf will pick me up and we head to his house :) mhhmm yup yup, I know hehe anyway, I hopee ya'll had a good friday :) I'm ready for a night of rest, finally!! goodnight lovlies (: btw, don't forget that I will be starting a new blog very soon, probably in about a week or so! And, I'll make sure to post that link right here when I do that, and I will also be making a new tumblr, and a xanga as well..a new youtube possibly too!! I am getting quite exited for this, because with the new year and all I will have a lot more time on my hands!! And it exites me quite a bit hehe but anyway, goodnight for now, and there will be more tomorrow morning!

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